
South Wake A.R.C Net Script


Calling the South Wake Amateur Radio Club 2 Meter Ragchew net.


Calling the South Wake A.R.C. (Night of the Week) net.


This net is held nightly at 7:30pm on the KQ4RCH 145.21 Repeater. The purpose of this net is to foster friendship among amateurs and to encourage 2 meter activity in Wake and surrounding counties.


All amateur radio operators with a valid FCC license are invited to check in and encouraged to do so.


This is an informal but directed ragchew net but has the ability to become formal should the need arise.


My name is ____________ and my call is ________and I am in __________Location.


We are going to stand by now for any emergency or priority traffic. If there is any please call (your call sign) .


Ok, we will open it up to any announcements of interest to the South Wake A.R.C. or ham radio in general if so please call (your call sign).


Now we are going into the ragchew portion of the net starting with mobile, portable, or short time stations. Any mobile, portable, or short time stations wishing to check into the South Wake A.R.C. (Night of the Week) net please call (Your call sign).


We are going to open it up to any South Wake A.R.C. members that would like to check into the net. Any or all South Wake A.R.C. members please call (Your call sign).


Ok, now we are going to open it up to South Wake A.R.C. members and visitors alike, anybody anywhere wishing to check into the South Wake A.R.C. (Night of the Week) net please call (Your call sign).


Closing of the net


At this time I would like to thank KQ4RCH, the Danny Hampton Memorial Radio Club, for allowing the South Wake Amateur Radio Club to use the 145.21 Repeater and call it home.

I will now turn the repeater back over to normal amateur use. (Give your call sign and sign off)